Non-Profit Institutions

The Warner Companies provides financial planning service to a variety of Non-Profit Institutions and Charities. We understand that for philanthropy, there are certain nuances that must be taken into consideration.

Competence in the special techniques of charitable tax planning is not readily available, particularly outside of major metropolitan areas. This lack of experience has created a vacuum. Many transactions simply do not go forward because an experienced professional is not available to assure the potential donor that a transaction can be structured properly.

A properly designed Planned Giving program can guarantee funding for programs and eliminate institutional debt while providing a significant benefit to your key donors and their families at the same time. The Warner Companies brings together the foremost experience from numerous professions to provide a cohesive package of services to non-profit institutions including:

•    Donor Seminars 
•    Planned Giving Consultation 
•    Donor Identification Consultation 
•    Asset Management Services 
•    Reporting and Asset Tracking Services (Including Tax Reporting) 
•    Insurance Consultation, Placement and Tracking

How Many of These Are Your Donors Using?